A.Y. GALIM Trading LTD. was founded in 1997 by its owner and CEO Mr. OREN AMIT who is continually active as managing director nowadays. Since January 2020, the company name has been changed to OREN AMIT – GALIM Trading 2020.
The company is the official area representative of OMNIPURE FILTER COMPANY Inc. of Idaho USA, the manufacturers and inventors of the best inline filters in the world.
GALIM Trading 2020 is importing, marketing, supplying and assembling water treatment systems, filtering devices and filter cartridges for drinking water. We are also consulting and offering objective and professional solutions for the various problems found in potable waters .
Our main concerns and priorities are our customers needs and the filters end users benefits. Prior to purchasing of any water treatment system or filters, it is of utmost importance to consult reliable professionals who can efficiently select the most appropriate solutions for the various problems which may be found in our drinking water (unwanted odors and tastes, organic and inorganic contaminants, VOC, rust, excessive sediments, scale, heavy metals etc.). We offer a "pin-point" diagnosis of our customers water problems, trying to find the ideal solutions to eliminate it.
OREN AMIT, the founder of GALIM Trading 2020, has been dealing with and expertising in drinking water systems and filtering since 1985. Among Mr. AMIT many activities in the water treatment he has been acting since 1995 as a member of the professional committee who formulated the IS 1505 – "the Israeli Standards for drinking water systems and filters for residential use". From the year 2009 to 2013 he had been acting as the head of the experts committee on the revision of IS 1505.